Botnets have been in existence for about 10 years; experts have been warning the public about the threat posed by botnets for more or less the same period. Nevertheless, the scale of the problem caused by botnets is still underrated and many users have little understanding of the real threat posed by zombie networks (that is, until their ISP disconnects them from the Internet, or money is stolen from their credit cards, or their email or IM account is hijacked).
What Is A Botnet?
A botnet is a number of Internet computers that, although their owners are unaware of it, have been set up to forward transmissions to other computers on the Internet. A usually gains control by infecting the computers with a virus or other malicious code that gives the attacker access. The main problem with botnets is that they are hidden and may stay undetected unless you are specifically looking for certain activity.
These Armies of computer's can be used by the controller to take down a network or site by using a attack called DOS(Denial of service) In which a user attempt's to make it unavailable to its intended users. This is because it requests info to be sent to their computer so many times it kills the bandwidth and can shut down a site for some time.
Making Your Own Botnet
For this tutorial ill be using uNkbot.
Follow these steps to make the botnet:
1)Open the botnet in C++ and go on the config.h file.
2)Edit The Following
Edit the Following Underlined Stuff:
server:The irc server where your botnet is hosted.
pass:Your bots password(You will need this to use your bots).
mainchan:The botnet channel.
key:You probably wont need this but put 1 anyways.
Then the down part should be:
[code]{ "server","",6667,"#mainchan","","+ix","+ix",},[/code]
3)Compile The Bot
Now when you finished this you must set up the compiler.
Install Microsoft SDK
Go To: Tools>Options>Directories and set them like this:
Then right-click "uNkbot Files" and click "Build".
It should compile with no errors and your .exe should be in the "Debug" folder.
Tutorial Made By Darlixus
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